first Fans
This week I really took my time with choosing the fabrics for my Inhibition quilt, especially the elements of the fan block. I will be using few fabrics, as I sense that repetition will be an important design element for this quilt. That makes each fabric choice weighty. What a contrast to relaxed scrappy sewing, where everything goes.

I feel confident about my solid fabric choices: Kona Rich Red for the fan backgrounds and Kona Garnet for the quilt background. Those two colors look divine together and offer the romance I was craving.

For the base of each fan I have fussy cut a pretty flower. Then the fan curves blend in color and value between the fan base and the red fan background. I am not 100% sure the the graduating color was a good idea, but it will probably turn out okay in the end.
By now I have cut out almost all my fan fabrics, sewed all the fan bases and completed three blocks. Here’s what I have so far. What do you think?

I am not sure about those magenta diamonds. I prefer the metallic black diamonds, though the magenta ones might be nice for a few accent fans. The quilt has 16 fans in total, so lots more to go. I hope to make time to sew this weekend!