what is Inhibition?
What does the word “inhibition” mean to you? Is it a positive feeling of self-control, perhaps waiting for the right moment instead of rushing in? Or does it have a cramped association, as when something that should be free is trapped instead?

I mostly think of inhibition in the second sense, though both versions are valid. I was brought up with plenty of healthy inhibitions, which I faithfully passed on to my children in years past. These days I am a person that needs to lean into feelings and let myself breathe.
I was feeling uneasy and stifled on January first when I sat down to sketch a new quilt. Art is a safe and peaceful way to free yourself; so, I could have sketched something wildly expressive. What actually came out on my paper was the very picture of inhibition - pretty, symmetrical, contained.

At first it bothered me that my spin-off quilt for the Sunbeams and Flutters element from Positivities quilt would be so, well, un-free. Feeling feisty, I named the quilt Inhibition and wondered if I would keep it. But, as time passed I became attached to it and remembered that inhibition has its benefits too. On that January day holding my tongue and waiting was the best thing to do. That’s how it goes sometimes.

This week I have spent time with my fabrics, carefully developing a color scheme for Inhibition. My first thought was red, red, red - - - and pinks. A romantic color scheme is always a treat at this time of year! Later I realized that a burgundy background would set off the reds with the right elegance for this quilt.

So, I’ve begun cutting and sewing sunbeams, which look more like fans in Inhibition quilt. Here’s hoping that my self-controlled color scheme and inhibited use of fabric comes out as a beautiful quilt!