Inhibition, a quilt top
This quilt has surprised me. When I first sketched it, I wasn’t sure if I would go forward with it at all. As I’ve already shared a little, the design came out of a difficult emotional experience. And yet, it had a unique quality to it that made me curious.

For me the turning point in my confidence was discovering the combination of Kona Garnet with Kona Rich Red. That dramatically warm and romantic pairing captured the feeling I intended. Then later when I added the bright pink squares - well, then I fell completely in love.

Today before I sewed the last long seam of the quilt top, I paused and stood just staring at it. Do you do that sometimes? Just stop and stare at your works-in-progress? It’s completely normal, I’m sure ;). Anyways, I came to realize that this quilt is one of my favorites that I have made in the last years. It’s very much my own inspiration, unrelated to other types of patchwork that I have seen, plus the palette is exactly me right now. I have been wearing that garnet color so much since I became divorced.

Yes, I will keep this quilt.
The quilt top is done and the quilting phase awaits. This one has lots of negative space. (That’s what we call the solid background areas.) I think it would benefit from custom quilting, but I am feeling nervous. I already adore the vibe of this quilt and would hate to spoil anything in the quilting phase. Sometimes choosing an all-over design is actually the safest way to let the patchwork shine. So, now you know that I also get shy about quilting my tops! I understand why it is often nice to let someone else take on that last, crucial step.

Fingers crossed for a satisfying finish!
p.s. the pattern for my Inhibition quilt will be included as a bonus pattern for the Positivities 2024 pattern club!