Kaleidoscope Groove quilt top
It was the birds that did it! Once I started cutting up that bird print and putting it up on the design wall, I knew I had arrived in my happy patchwork place.

I love the vibe of those birds and the movement that they introduce. At last, I was totally excited about this quilt and eager to sew-sew-sew the pieces together!

Once pieced, the sashing becomes proportionally slim, and the black star shapes form satisfyingly.

Before long I had a delightful rainbow quilt top: happy scrappy rainbow kaleidoscope blocks and pastel rainbow cornerstones, nestled in a bed of black and gray. Very urban-cool, yes?

Hip, hip, hurrah!
I am in love.

Making these rainbow blends was the easy part. Color is so much fun! Do you see how I introduced blue in three different parts? I wanted to set blue beside orange and yellow for vibrancy, but also blend the blue with other neighboring blocks. The result? The colors flow as well as contrast. I used the interrupted kaleidoscope grid in my favor, placing some of the contrast at the interrupted areas.

Well, I am one satisfied quilter! Hey, this quilt even looks right at home with my AMH voile curtains, which I recently hung to bring some color into my bedroom. I wouldn’t mind this quilt on my wall, actually; but, I don’t think that that is its destiny. Fingers crossed for the quitting stage!
p.s. Are you feeling the Kaleidoscope Groove? This quilt pattern is one of 4 bonus patterns included in my 2024 block-of-the-month club, called Positivities. Sign up here to keep in the know about Positivities! More soon.