Dots are Fun
Do you know what I love? Sewing scrappy dottie blocks. They’re just fun. At the moment these blocks are just the right combination of color play, simple repetition and a touch of technical challenge to keep me engaged.

Here is my collection of completed blocks so far. That is all the pink and red that I need for my polka dot color wheel project. When I last sewed these, I was also talking to a friend. Looking fresh at the orange dot this morning, I want to replace that dark lower right quadrant with something fresher. I can use that darker orange quadrant in another block. It’s all about blending the colors in a way that feels good. Sometimes that takes a little more brainpower than multi-tasking Rachel can muster, haha.

I am already cutting into other shades with my Dear Dottie templates. It’s always a pleasure to sew the rainbow. Never ever gets old!

Wishing you happy hours with your fabrics this week!