Posts tagged scraps
always a Rainbow

Storms come and storms go. After the clouds of change blow through, even while the rain still fringes the view, the rainbow gathers. Can you see it hanging, just over your head? Look up, another rainbow is about to break through.

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new pattern release - Scrap Cabin

Here comes some happy scrappy patchwork fun! It’s pattern release day for Scrap Cabin! Once upon a time, I created my first Scrap Cabin quilt with that fresh, new year’s energy - - - And you have been asking for the pattern ever since. Because here is what’s special about this: it uses long, thin scraps of every width and length! Come join us in January!

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how many scrap quilts?

Do you ever wonder how many scrap quilts you could sew if you just kept cutting and sewing your scraps? If you dump out a basket of scraps and cut them into a consistent, small shape (such as the 2” x 3” rectangles in my crumb blocks), it’s truly shocking how many blocks they make. And I have literally drawers full of scraps! A catch-all project like my current quilt is just a drop in the bucket.

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Best Quilts for Using Your Scraps!

If I had to sew one kind of quilt for the rest of my life, I would sew scrap quilts! Now I realize that I would theoretically eventually run out of scraps. But are we sure about that? It seems like scraps have a way of mysteriously multiplying??? In any case, I certainly have loads of scraps now and making something beautiful from all those leftover bits and pieces is one of the most satisfying aspects of quilt-making. Here are my favorite 10 scrap quilt experiences so far - - -

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what comes next?

I’d like to conjure a scrappy medallion-style quilt, along with some summer weather. The quartet of triple log cabins will make a nice quilt center. My beginning has a subtle rectangle layout, which I will maintain in future rounds. Not that I have anything in mind yet. What do you think comes next? Ideas welcome!

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Scrappy Summer Vibes

Here they are in all their glory - my quarter Log Cabin blocks with triple logs. When the width of the scraps sets the width of each log, a pleasant variation arises and the fabric is used most efficiently. My favorite block has a deliciously summer mood with that sunflower yellow and fresh aqua paired with plum.

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