Ta da, my finished Scrap Cabin quilt! She’s bright and warm and made from so many, many scrap fabric strips, folks. It truly boggles my mind that I have this many scraps, given how many scrap quilts I sew. Where are they coming from?
Read MoreBut the quilt! I love that too. It turned out great, if I do say so myself. I already had faith in it as a scrap quilt, but the green and black sashing pushed it way beyond ordinary. I imagine that it will bring such a cozy, joy to someone’s home.
Read MoreBright for the gifts and the laughter and the fresh start to come. Color upon color for our love of making, our innermost artsy selves. Shady for the drama of life, its ebb and flow, its birth and death. The bright and the dark mingle, like all this year’s highs and lows, to create something of value. Something as ordinary as it is lovely.
Read MoreThis quilt is called Rainbow Over Head. It represents my choice to believe that no matter what storms come in my life, it is possible to find a rainbow again. This is not the trite message that everything all works out and that everything is always somehow okay, but that beauty and love exist alongside the real loss. Like color in the darkness or a rainbow after a hurricane. I acknowledge the existence of both in my life. And I choose to be happy.
Read MoreCreativity often requires a question or limitation that sparks the problem-solving journey. I wanted to use up a roll of precut fabric strips, but ended up doing something even better - enjoying triangle scraps. Through this quilt those triangles have earned the perceived value of all my other scrap categories. And that is a big step up indeed!
Read MoreThe Circus Cabin quilt pattern is one I expect I will come back to again and again. When you want to just relax, unwind and sew through your scraps, this pattern is a sure win. And then the finish! That dramatic, dark vs. light log cabin magic gets me every time.
Read MoreTa da! I’ve dubbed this design Circus Log Cabins, for the stripey log style that reminds me of circus tent stripes. I started sewing blocks for this on a whim, inspired by log cabin blocks made for a bee quilt. My multi-colored scraps were begging to be used. I don’t think I’ve ever used them so successfully!
Read MoreThis squishy baby quilt is fit for a party. What a joyful way to welcome a new baby girl or boy. I only wish I had a chubby cheeked little one to photograph on my baby-sized Confetti quilt. It would be such a fun photo!
Read MoreI know I’ve hardly blogged about this one, and here it is done already! Once I started, I couldn’t stop. I was inspired by a big pile of string scraps that would no longer fit in their proper basket. This quilt is 100% fabric scraps!
Read MoreI loved the making of this quilt at every stage: squaring up crumb scraps, puzzling together quilt blocks and watching my Confetti collection grow and grow on my design wall. If I liked it almost too much to finish, that obviously means that I should make another.
Read MoreWhat did I love most about this quilt? Working with scraps! This quarter dresden block allows you to group each set of five dresden blades as a little mini quilt with its own color story. That dynamic made it ideal for scrap fabric play!
Read MoreToday I get to share a finished quilt. It’s the very last quilt I’ve quilted on my longarm and the very last quilt I’ll finish before moving abroad. Isn’t it funny that it happens to be a block called “cross roads”? A cross roads indeed!
Read MoreIntroducing, Iridescent! My latest work in progress is a new pattern in my Color Mentor series. Are you color-curious? This scrappy string quilt is poised to broaden your horizons.
Read MoreI got excited about the idea of making ghost plusses. In the solid blue portion of the quilt, there is a smattering of plus-shaped portions left un-quilted and outlined to emphasize the plus shape. Love them!
Read MoreMy latest finish is an exuberant rainbow scrap quilt with a lush, cuddly backing. This throw quilt ate up about half of my medium-sized scraps. Hurrah!
Read MoreIt's finished! This Moody Strings scrap quilt was so satisfying to piece. The idea was born out of practicality, because I really needed to use up my scraps...
Read MoreThese Lake Cabin quilts are quick and rewarding! I so enjoy the opportunity to use both square and strip scraps in one project and then set those pretty blocks awash in a favorite hue.
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