Posts tagged rainbow
always a Rainbow

Storms come and storms go. After the clouds of change blow through, even while the rain still fringes the view, the rainbow gathers. Can you see it hanging, just over your head? Look up, another rainbow is about to break through.

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Stay Calm + Sew Curves

I love sewing curves. I used to be terrified of them. Then when I learned the ins and outs, I felt empowered; however, it was still a high-focus endeavor to piece patchwork curves. Now I feel both relaxed and engaged when I sew this type of patchwork. It requires more attention than straight lines, but the payoff is so cool!

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Rainbow Over Head quilt

This quilt is called Rainbow Over Head. It represents my choice to believe that no matter what storms come in my life, it is possible to find a rainbow again. This is not the trite message that everything all works out and that everything is always somehow okay, but that beauty and love exist alongside the real loss. Like color in the darkness or a rainbow after a hurricane. I acknowledge the existence of both in my life. And I choose to be happy.

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