Hurrah, for another Rainbow Over Head! This sweet-sized quilt would be perfect for that baby or toddler in your life OR to hang up on a wall where you sew. She’s 41” square and 100% made with love and light.
Read MoreMy Hourglass Curves quilt is sewn with drunkard’s path blocks. It’s straightforward curved piecing, which suited these bridal gown silk scraps just fine. The silk is crisp like quilting cotton, but lightweight as silk will be.
Read MoreThis sweet crib quilt is finished at last, as a double-sided quilt. The elegant Nineteen Thirty Medallion is the star of one side and classic 2” finished patchwork offers a cozy alternative on the other.
For a Limited Time! The Nineteen Thirty Medallion is now available as a pattern excerpt thanks to the special request of one of my most faithful readers.
Read More“Work-in-progress” sets such a forgiving and patient tone, don’t you think? That is definitely the attitude I’ve needed for this baby quilt, since I have constantly second-guessed myself in the making process. I have struggled in part because I really, really want it to be lovely for my friend and also because I don’t have much experience with soft color schemes.
Read MoreOn Monday I got to hold baby Livia for the first time! Such sweetness. Her quilt is coming along. Would you like to see? Choosing fabrics for the center medallion flower was challenging. It’s a totally different look than my original Nineteen Thirty quilt.
Read MoreI think she will like it. I hope she will like it. Minimalist and simple is rather hard for me. I so easily stray. I think that things were going well when I created the patchwork design and chose a color palette, but it’s possible that they got out of hand when it came to quilting - - -
Read MoreIt’s time to make a baby quilt for my friend with a minimalist style. Luckily, I have just such a quilt in mind. It is a design related to my Transparency block. Ok, so that block didn’t turn out minimalist in my first Pas de Deux quilt, but the design can be quite understated. Pinky promise!
Read MoreQuilter’s Color Quest invited you to deepen your relationship with color, based on my book The Quilter’s Field Guide to Color. Didn’t get a chance? I’m cataloging all the posts here, so you can work your way through when the time is right.
Read MoreIt’s super exciting that so many of you are going to join in on our Dear Dottie sew-along! This weekend I finished my baby-sized Dear Dottie quilt. It’s a 32” square of scrap happy dots with cinnamon roll swirl quilting. Fun, fun, fun!
Read MoreLast week, I pulled out those alphabet scraps and started cutting. I had no idea what kind of patchwork I would sew, but I wanted to make a baby quilt. Something simple. Something sweet.
Read MoreA finished quilt! Now off it goes to Wrap Them in Love, where I hope some special little one will enjoy imagining the stories behind these pages or creating her own in the clouds, as they drift by.
Read MoreSometimes we all need a jump start, color-wise. Do you follow Cottoneer on Instagram? I do. It's a great source for fabric eye candy and fun color schemes, of the custom bundle variety.
Read MoreToday I so much to share, and it's all wrapped up in this newest iteration of Wheel Quilt. Pastel Color Wheel Quilt is a celebration of spring and of color and of journeys worth taking.
Read MoreAt a recent quilting conference, I took a class on creating custom quilt designs that our longarm sewing machine can stitch computer-guided. The process was way easier than I expected
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