Taking the time to sew a gift, together with your child, pays heaps of dividends. I have many happy memories sewing gifts for my kids and with my kids. Here are some favorites as jumping off points for you!
Read MoreI love sewing baby gifts, don’t you? It is such a personal way to show that you care, whether for the baby shower, as a surprise during your first visit or a special present in the holidays to come. Luckily, I have had the chance to sew a lot of baby gifts over the years. Here are some ideas to get your juices flowing.
Read MoreThis pinafore is a reversible top that's super fast to cut and sew. Instead of fitted details like closures and gathers, it's a loose fit and flat front design that really shows off cute prints.
Read MoreIt was just a matter of time before I made Elora another Geranium dress. This time I started with one of my favorite Rifle Paper Fabrics prints: Tapestry Rose from the Les Fleurs collection.
Read MoreGuess what I made? It's a quick, little romper for Rora in breezy, beautiful voile! I picked up this Cloud 9 organic voile from Bobbie Lou's Fabric Factory. The colors and pattern are so fun
Read MoreHow about something to cheer up your Monday? It's drippy and overcast here, same as yesterday, but the little skirt I made this weekend will bring us some sunshine!
Read MoreLook, I made an Easter dress! It's not what I set out to make, but I'll take it! I chose to make baby Rora a dress in double gauze, because it's such a soft, delightful fabric for warm southern spring weather.
Read MoreThis simple tutorial creates an elastic headband to fit a baby or child, up to approximately three years old. Turn a fabric scrap into a sweet headband to tame that little one's locks!
Read MoreDid you have a nice weekend? I did! Autumn is such a lovely time. The leaves have set the trees aglow, and even the ones on the ground are still festive shades of gold and plum and brown.
Read MoreIt's November, and there is a lovely chill in the morning air. Baby Rora needs a new hat for our walks, one that she can't pull off! I've returned to the Purl Soho Winter Baby Bonnet.
Read MoreIsn't Rora sweet in her new Geranium dress? She's already deliciously soft and squishy, but that buttery rayon fabric really puts her over the top.
Read MoreI originally chose that Paint Roses Black rayon for Rora. But when it arrived, I was inspired to make something for me instead! Now I'm hoping to squeeze a dress for Rora...
Read MoreGuess what? I made a new practice top "muslin", and it came out pretty great on the first try! On many recommendations, I purchased the Josephine top pattern by Made by Rae.
Read MoreHow's that for a title? I've got to tell you about my latest craze, but first I want to thank you for your helpful and supportive comments on my Sorbetto Muslin.
Read MoreHer summer has been sweet: swinging under the oak tree, watching the kitties play, discovering toys and movements of all kinds, attaching to her different people
Read MoreToday I made a new one for Elora. I chose to cut into that Red Letter Day duckie print I've been saving for about five years for a baby. I only had enough for the front...
Read MoreOk, they're done! That was quick (and easy). In fact, diaper covers would make a nice first project if you'd like to ease into apparel.
Read MoreWith so much on my mind lately, I was extra-glad to take a mental break from big decisions to actually SEW this weekend. I'm eager to make some new clothes for baby.
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