a Snowflake quilt top

Today I enjoyed some quality time with my sewing machine at last! Sure there are stacks of fabrics and random supplies to organize, and I can't find my favorite rotary cutter, but I've located enough essentials to get back at it.

Yay, a snowflake quilt top! Wintry Mint combined with silver and gold Netorious metallics make a perfect gender neutral baby quilt, don't you think? I have a solid mint sleeper I loved for Rora that she just recently outgrew. The color is my current crush. And it pairs gorgeously with peach, my last crush, too!

I pieced two Penny Sampler snowflake blocks from some of my favorite mint fabrics, such as that Calico Days text print and Blueberry Park Sprouting Row. Hopefully I've cultivated a serene quality with the quilt's restrained color scheme, while keeping things interesting with diverse fabrics and subtle changes in tone.
On to quilting! Hmm