Strawberry quilt blocks
You know what I love? A sweet patchwork assignment to kick off a new year of charity sewing.

Since 2010 I have been organizing an international quilting charity bee called do. Good Stitches. The idea is simple: use your creative patchwork energy to bless others. Small groups of 10 members form “circles” in do. Good Stitches, typically making one quilt per month for a local charity. I am a member of the Netherlands-based Comfort circle. Our January block had me upending bins of crumb scraps.

The assigned patchwork block is sewn mostly from 2” squares. How fantastic! I can cut almost every piece from my crumb scraps. That hardly ever happens!
Sponsor of the Week
Tales of Cloth
The Ice Cream Soda Quilt Club starts today!
Signing up late? No worries. You will get all the emails from the beginning, in order. Sign up is free and all are welcome, even if you are not sewing along. Come get a taste of English paper piecing before you dive in!

After sewing a few HST blocks, a strawberry was born. We are following the free pattern posted on Skyberries Handmade. The blocks finish at 7.5” x 10.5” and have a nice, rounded strawberry shape.

Now that’s cute!
These strawberries have a fresh, springy vibe that’s putting me in a bright mood. Maybe my next quilt will have a low volume background after all. It does make a quilt so bright and cheery to combine low volumes with saturated colors, doesn’t it? Hmmmm - - -