Stirring Molasses
Is it just me, or does quilt-making feel sometimes a bit like stirring molasses? It looks like it should be easy and then the resistance takes you by surprise. Putting together my latest quilt top wasn’t all that dramatic, but it did go slower than I expected because I didn’t have the right fabrics on hand.

For all my well-intentioned shopping for mauve, purple and burgundy fabrics, I still found myself stuck when I tried to create a nice blend in color and value in this quilt. I had plenty of dark fabrics and some nice light fabrics, but the medium-range hues were MIA in my fabric stash.

I ended up buying a bunch of fabrics from Floyd the Fox, a German shop that stocks Art Gallery Pure Solids and Fableism, which I have been wanting to see in person. From my order I was able to add the Art Gallery solid Bewitched (far left) and Fableism Sprout Terracota. The cute rectangular print (right) is another Art Gallery called Duval Basketweave Haze. It was exactly right in color, but would have commanded too much attention in this quilt. Darn!

Well even if it was a bit of a struggle, I was victorious! Today in the fine fall sunshine, I sewed and pressed the last rows together.

Ta da! It’s time to put this wall quilt on the longarm.