Quilter's Color Quest
Do you own a copy of my book, The Quilter’s Field Guide to Color? Oh, that’s so cool!
Well, friend, don’t let it sit on the shelf. Let’s unpack it together.
You’re invited to join Quilter’s Color Quest.
It’s time to take your field guide on an adventure. Over a six-month period, we’ll explore color together, using the themes and exercises in the book.
I hope you’ll discover where, when and how to make color yours!
March - August 2020
+Stitched in Color the blog (subscribe here)
+Instagram #quiltersfieldguidetocolor and #quilterscolorquest
To get the most out of the book and have fun doing it together!
about Color Quest
The Quilter’s Field Guide to Color isn’t a dry textbook. It’s meant to be used more like a workbook. Instead of an observer, you’re a participant. That’s why I’ve created Quilter’s Color Quest to help you really use the book, try out your own ideas and see what happens.
We’re going to travel through the book, working through the chapters in order. Sometimes I’ll have a bit to add to the content in the book. Other times I’ll just be experimenting with color and fabric right alongside you. I have a box full of fabric seeds created for the book illustrations. I though this might be a fun opportunity to let some of those seeds take root.
I’ll ask you to complete about two exercises per month from the book. You can work them out with just the color swatches included with the book, or go ahead and translate your ideas to fabric as well. Of course you’ll get more out of it if you move into the fabric realm, but I understand that it’s not always practical to do so. Share a photo of your exercise on Instagram with #quilterscolorquest so we can learn together!
Each month I’ll be curating a custom fabric bundle that cooresponds to one of the themes we’re studying. These bundles will be available for sale with the hosting sponsor shop OR you can win one! Every month one Color Quest participant will win the month’s curated bundle. With themes like temperature, neutrals and helpful fabrics, these bundles are a fantastic way to build a well-balanced, modern fabric stash.
Quilter’s Field Guide to Color in action, via @RachelWoodenSpoon
the Schedule
Temperature + Seasons
Experiments 1-2
Emotion + Color Wheel + Rainbow Blends
Experiments 3-5
All Colors In + Value
Experiments 6-7
Context + Neutrals
Experiments 8-10
Story + Inspiration
Experiments 11-12
Fabric Stash + Style
Experiments 13-14
Next Steps
Get a copy of the book, if you don’t have one yet. Ask for The Quilter’s Field Guide to Color at your local quilt or book shop. It is also shipping from Amazon.
Read the first pages, including How To Use This Book to understand how it works.
Cut up those color swatch cards! Click over to All About the Color Swatches to learn how to get the job done quickly and neatly with your rotary cutter.
Decide whether you will use the Bear Paw block (provided) for the patchwork challenges or another patchwork block that appeals to you. Try to stick with a patchwork block that uses about 3 fabrics total.
I’m so glad to finally be able to work through this material with you, alongside the book. Hooray!
More soon!