Summer Vibes Medallion quilt
I am quite happy with this finish! I find it pretty irresistible with its bright colors and playful, improv setting. Check out these summer vibes!

The improv round was an efficient way to use my scrap fabrics. But even more importantly, it nicely captures the slightly reckless, high-energy state of summer. Like waves crashing on the seashore or butterflies flitting over bright blooms.

But my favorite element is actually that plus round in grays and low-volumes with bright-colored centers. I love how it frames the fancy, triple-log cabin center without overpowering it. I think the wild, improv round works precisely as a follow-up round to those tidy plusses.

I made a bright, summery quilt back in fun multicolor prints that jive with the quilt top. The backing’s large-scale patchwork reminds me of the improv round on the quilt top.

I opted to quilt with the Bread Basket motif. Its rhythmic curves and points soften the work, giving it a cuddly dimension.

I’ve listed Summer Vibes medallion in my Handmades shop today. I hope that its vibrant energy and playful spirit will spark joy in someone’s heart.