A Colorful Thread: June 2024
Weaving together my life as a maker and other spheres of life.
Best of Stitched in Color {June}
On My Mind
Experimenting:: I’m still working on those photo books, actually. The first test book came out beautifully! I am convinced that it is will be space-saving and more enjoyable to have our family photos in photobook format. I am making hardback books measuring 8 x 8 inches, which combine two years at a time and average around 90 pages. They are expensive things, but I only buy them at least 50% off, since discounts are regularly offered. As I work on this project, I am realizing that I’d also like to make a book for Aria and a book for Liam, as both are growing up and leaving the nest. How nice that digital photos make duplication and reprinting so easy!
Reading:: Unsheltered by Barbara Kingsolver. Kingsolver’s novel is set in two time periods: the late 1800’s and modern day. The different moments are united by one old house and the story of the people who live there. Such a novel and enjoyable read. Kingsolver is a very convincing writer.
Celebrating:: Positivities quilt progress from @MichellesFibreArts. At halfway through this block-of-the-month, June was the first assembly phase. It’s so fun to see the individual patchwork groups spliced together and arranged just so. I love Michelle’s happy quilt on that calm, cream background. I may never sew with cream or white backgrounds, but they sure are pretty! I am glad I can live vicarious through all the renditions of #PositivitiesQuilt.
Anticipating:: Starting my next quilt, of course! I have been thinking a lot about my Rainbow Over Head quilt, which is one my favorite quilts that I’ve ever made. I would like to try to capture some of the same feelings in my next quilt. I am imagining a rainbow blend patchwork that includes contrasting warm/cool colors once again. Exciting!
Rainbow Over Head
Featured Freebie
8 Ideas for making a quilt backing
Stitched in Color includes a library of free tutorials, more than 10 years in the making. Each month I’ll feature one to spread the good news.
If you find yourself losing steam after your patchwork quilt top is made, you’re not alone. The chore of creating a quilt backing fabric is often not nearly as enticing as starting a new project. But wait! Finishing that quilt is going to be soooo rewarding. Here are some ideas to help you push on to make that quilt backing.
It’s Friday! Every other weekend Elora spends with her father. This weekend she is with him, so I am free to fully relax and enjoy my own time. I spend these “free” weekends with my boyfriend Aart, staying in his peaceful home across the city. And what do we have planned? Precisely nothing. We so enjoy our time together that sometimes it feels the less on the agenda, the better. Each such weekend feels like a vacation to me. My normal life pauses, and I can just rest, enjoy, love and be loved.
Wishing you a restful weekend!