on a Whim

The other day I found myself between projects and decided, on a whim, to dive into a box of orphan blocks. This box contains lots of fabrics I cut for book photographs and also blocks which were not quite right for quilts once-upon-a-time in process. If I feel like facing the challenge of making do with such elements, I shouldn’t waste the opportunity!

Here’s what I picked out first: a collection of improv blocks which I started soon after our move to The Netherlands, summer of 2019. I thought it would be a fun way to work out my feelings during such an intense transition, but I realized pretty quickly that an improv quilt was not hitting the spot. And, since then, I haven’t felt like this kind of improv. Not once.

Still, I like the blocks and I like the idea of combining ombre solids with these chunky Tula Pink Tent Stripes. Rather than letting the blocks hibernate another few years on the chance that improv inspiration will strike, let’s sew them into something with more structure.

As it happens, there was also a set of quarter log cabin blocks in the box, from my book. The pastel palette of the quarter log cabins fits nicely with what I have going on, so - - -

A beginning.

I created a stripe-y improv center with the HST and star bocks. Next I set the quarter log cabins at the corners of a second sort of patchwork round. It seems a medallion quilt is in progress.

I have almost enough of these simply frame blocks to create another round of patchwork on two sides.

My thought is to fill out the left and bottom sides with the frame blocks and then do something totally different on the other two sides, possibly something with a lot more visual weight. Maybe dark blue orange peel blocks or wedge cross blocks from Pas de Deux put to work here? We shall see.

I’m not sure when I’ll work on this again, but I do feel that it’s meant to be a lighthearted, off-kilter sort of quilt and that’s a nice sentiment for this time of year. Wishing you joy in these last days of 2021.


Rachel Hauser