Can you guess why I am making teeny tiny 2” finished triangle-in-square blocks? Think happy sashing. Think very happy sashing!
Read MoreI have never hung a quilt in my home before. My ex disliked quilts in general and color in particular. I accepted that it was painfully so, until one day when I realized that disliking someone’s art is rather similar to disliking their soul. In my new life post-divorce, I see how important it is that a lover also loves what I make and how I express myself in color and shape. So, in that context, you can imagine how dear it is that my boyfriend asked me to make quilts for our living room and our bedroom walls. And that hanging this first one up really makes that house my home.
Read MoreWeaving together my life as a maker and other spheres of life: Best of October, experimenting with hanging wallpaper, sharing a nice read, celebrating Nonnie Annie’s coin quilt and anticipating our cocktail party!
Read MoreToday I need to relax from the stress of moving. I am craving something easy and fun. Fooling around with these 2” x 3” cuttings feels right. I have no idea what or if it will become something, but small size + scrappy = good fun.
Read MoreIs it just me, or does quilt-making feel sometimes a bit like stirring molasses? It looks like it should be easy and then the resistance takes you by surprise. Putting together my latest quilt top wasn’t all that dramatic, but it did go slower than I expected because I didn’t have the right fabrics on hand.
Read MoreI always feel so grateful to collaborate in the quilting stage on someone’s special project. Each quilt that comes through my studio reminds me again of all the possibilities that quilt-making offers. There is so much yet to discover. Shall we have a little quilt show?
Read MoreThis stack from Fresh Modern Fabric is my last batch of fabric stash enhancements sourced during my trip to America. As you can see, it’s a right rainbow of basics or, as I like to call them, helpful fabrics. Helpful fabrics are those one-color wonders which work like solids but with more added interest. They’re endlessly versatile and make great scrap quilts too.
Read MoreThis month in the Dutch circle of the do. Good Stitches quilting bee, we are sewing string blocks for our collaborative charity quilt. The block style comes from the book Why We Quilt by Thomas Knauer. Fun, straightforward and definitely scrap-friendly!
Read MoreBefore I arrange my hexagons on the design wall, I sew on the triangle bits so that the background fabric can play its roll. This pattern is entirely machine sewn without any tricky y-seams! Come see my progress and process for color and value.
Read MoreHere are two different palette stacks. Fun, fun! In each I have combined showy Quilt Sandwich fabrics with helpful fabrics from my stash. That’s how I often start a quilt. I use a colorful inspiration print to anchor the palette and then pull supporting prints from my stash for variety of color tones and style.
Read MoreAfter so much planning, it is fantastic to actually cut into cloth. Here I have arranged my hexagons over the blues, and the fabrics are singing to me! I am sure I will tweak some things (maybe less red), but this feels like the right direction after all.
Read MoreA diploma for swimming? You might be asked if your child has one if you take her swimming in The Netherlands! Why all the fuss, and what does this mean to Dutch people? Let’s take a stab at this rite of passage for Dutch children.
Read MoreI would love to hang a quilt in my living room that adds warmth and artistry to our space. But, designing a quilt for this task is intimidating! Where to even begin? These are some questions to consider: environment, style, color, format + finishing.
Read MoreAt last, they are finished! Two rainbow patchwork duvet covers are ready to be loved and cuddled. I made two of them, since duvets need to be washed much more than quilts. How about some construction notes?
Read MoreHip, hip, hoorah! | did it! I completed my personal 30 Days of Quilt Design and now I have an exciting collection of designs which I look forward to creating in cloth. It was a stretch for me, but I am glad that I invested my time in this challenge over the last few months.
Read MoreWeaving together my life as a maker and other spheres of life: Best of September, experimenting with a patchwork duvet cover, sharing a free beginner's quilt project, celebrating Positivities and anticipating sewing a wall quilt!
Read MoreThis month’s lead quilter asked for Scrap Bin Geese, free tutorial by Andy Knowles of A Bright Corner. While a fairly straightforward block, it is made up of lots of small pieces. As such, it is indeed a scrap bin sort of project. Just my kind!
Read MoreI love sewing curves. I used to be terrified of them. Then when I learned the ins and outs, I felt empowered; however, it was still a high-focus endeavor to piece patchwork curves. Now I feel both relaxed and engaged when I sew this type of patchwork. It requires more attention than straight lines, but the payoff is so cool!
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