Choices, choices
When I chose chiffon fabric for Elora’s flower girl dress, instead of tulle, do you know that I wasn’t at all considering the puff factor? I had a vague idea that chiffon would be more flowy. Now that it has arrived I realize that my version of the Chloe dress is absolutely not the cover version with the wide, full skirt. Oops!
I don’t mind, but I hope that Elora won’t be disappointed. So it goes when you let a novice sew a flower girl dress!

My fabrics arrived yesterday and I pre-washed the madeira and the polyester lining. The fabrics from top left: emerald knit chiffon, white knit chiffon, polyester lining, cotton madeira.

Today I cut and sewed the bodice. The madeira was easy to work with, being cotton and all, but the polyester lining was a challenge. It’s so slippery and thin! Fortunately, I was sewing the lining fabric against the madeira, so the madeira provided oomph for easier handling.
Assembling the bodice was easy-peasy and exactly like sewing the Geranium dress bodice, which I’ve done a hundred times. In fact, I was wondering why I bought this pattern again? I probably could have just used the Geranium pattern, but then I wouldn’t have known to look for knit chiffon I guess.

Here I am auditioning buttons and previewing the layered chiffon skirt. This version has the emerald chiffon layered over the white.

I really adore the eyelet madeira and these silvery sparkly buttons. It looks very “wedding” to me!

But I am not sure in which order to layer the chiffon. This photo shows the white chiffon over the emerald. It is certainly a softer look, which contrasts less with the bodice.
I am going to share this post with the bride-to-be and let her choose.

I am sure that Elora and I will be happy either way!