the NICU
Early this month I suggested to Aria that we go Easter dress shopping together, just she and I. She is 10 years old now, and I recall really enjoying shopping for a special dress at that age. Her response was adamant and endearing, "No, mama, I really want you to make me my Easter dress! Your dresses are the nicest." Well that settled it. NICU-be-darned, I'm making her an Easter dress.

collage by Art Gallery Fabrics
Have you seen Leah Duncan's newest collection, Morning Walk? It's just arriving in stores and it's as lovely as her Meadow collection for sure. I fell in love straight away with a light, airy print called Aura Wispy Daybreak that screamed "Easter Dress". Fortunately Aria agreed and off I went to Fat Quarter Shop to order fabric.

I decided to try two options for the contrast sash because it was so hard to tell online what would look best with the Aura Wispy. I had been leaning towards the blue print, but..

In person the yellow version is way, way better! Hopefully I'll be able to start cutting the dress this weekend.

I thought you might like a little update on Eleni. Since we last talked she has been stable in the NICU and seems to move her body more and more each day. However, her sucking has not progressed. Sad face. In order to be able to take her home, Eleni had a surgery last Monday for a stomach feeding tube. It's such a strange thing to feed a baby through a tube into her stomach, but it means we can enjoy her sweet face sans any tubes now. And, most importantly, it means she'll be able to eat safely at home while we continue to hope she learns to suck or at least swallow.
Eleni is recovering well from the surgery with no need for oxygen assistance or any medicines. We were actually all set up for a Sunday discharge (this weekend!), but I just found out moments ago that it may be delayed due to some logistics. Oh, I can't wait to take this baby home! Crossing fingers and toes things are ironed out in time. Or, if not Sunday, then really soon thereafter!
Have a great weekend, friends! I hope to get some sewing in too.