Sawtooth Burst, a scrappy star block

You know what I love?


Sewing with fabric scraps always scratches the itch. It feels at once creative, resourceful and surprising to make something pretty with leftovers.

You know what else I love? Stars. What is it about patchwork stars? We quilter’s can’t get enough of them, and for that I have no explanation, haha.

Ok, come see, come see! I’ve embarked on a fresh new project. Like any new project, it’s exciting, not the least because it’s going to be scrappy and it’s going to be all patchwork (no words!) and it’s going to be a combination of classic patchwork and a modern layout. Eeee!

Let’s begin with a lovely scrappy coupling - peach and teal in gorgeous gradients of color. Mmmm - - - looks delish.

Then get to work makings half square triangles. The honorable HST block is simple, but mighty. Luckily I don’t have to make a quilt-full because that would become tedious. Nope, I just put my head down for a bit and enjoy a good batch and before I know it this happens:

Well, heeeelllooooo handsome! That’s a sawtooth star block, always a favorite, but with an extra round to make him burst with loveliness.

Why not take it farther? With another round or two or three, my Sawtooth Burst is soon done. He’s in pieces because, you see, this quilt is going to be anything but expected. At the end of this journey the patchwork elements will be interwoven in a fantastic, dancing ensemble.

I can’t wait to let loose the next group!