strings a la Dining Chair

Do you know what I think when I buy a new dining chair with a padded seat?  I think Patchwork.  It's so easy to wrap and staple a dining chair cushion with quilted patchwork.  The effect is perfectly delightful and even practical, because all those colors and patterns totally hide stains! 

Earlier this year we had to buy some new dining chairs.  We decided to go with the miss-matched look, so that we didn't have to replace all of our chairs.  Now we have various colors and styles.  I usually sit on this white one.  This weekend I gathered string scraps in colors that feel a little out of place with the "moody with hints of autumn" palette I happened upon for my quilt.  Wouldn't these be pretty as a chair cushion?

Since I am very much enjoying quilt-as-you-go strings, I decided to stay the course with the chair cushion.  I cut 4" batting squares for my base and 1" strips of a Rifle Paper Les Fleurs scrap for the centers.  I particularly love that floral print and will enjoy seeing it daily on my chair.

It took almost twice as many 4" blocks as I expected to cover the chair cushion, but eventually I got there.  Used up lots of scraps for sure (even triangle scraps at the corners, whoot!).

The blocks are made quilt-as-you-go on the batting base, which makes them durable little creatures.  I joined blocks with normal seam allowances and pressed them open.  You can't feel the seams one bit when you sit on the finished chair - I checked before getting too far in the project.

Last night Brandon helped me staple the finished patchwork onto the purchased chair cushion.  Earlier this year we decided to start storing the staple gun in my sewing room.  Haha!  Between stretched art and cushions, I use it more than he does! 

Anyways, when we were finished I couldn't stop smiling.  Seriously, isn't that the prettiest chair ever?  Ever?  Ever!  It may be too pretty for my house?

Then again, over by my dining room curtains it seems to fit right in. 

There's another project checked off my list!  I have one more new chair to cover, but I'll do that in a different patchwork design and colorway someday. 

For now, it's back to the string quilt!