Scraps on Parade quilt

It's finished!

Scraps on Parade

And how lucky that photographs fell on the first (and likely only) snow day of our season!  A pretty dusting of snow to prove it's winter at last.

Scraps on Parade

I made Scraps on Parade purely for the joy of scraps.   No plans and no pressure - perfect for those first weeks with baby.  It was a bit of slow going with some head-scratching along the way, but here we are at a finish I can celebrate!

Scraps on Parade

The hourglass blocks were best for eating up scraps.  I would have loved a whole quilt just of them, but it does get tedious sewing the same small block again and again.  The stretched 9-patch block is one I will likely make as a dedicated quilt someday.  It was quick and still scrap-friendly.  And the stars

After adding that solid Kona Ash border, it all fell into place for me.  A simple, straight-line quilted texture brings things together, and a nearly-black floral provides a final frame for the wandering eye.

Scraps on Parade

On the back I used some fun prints that would be a shame to cut up for patchwork, as well as a large piece of a neutral gingham as a quiet bit of contrast.

Scraps on Parade

Scraps on Parade is so named for the way my block types are lined up "like soldiers," my mom said.  I see them more as rows in a quilty parade, with one silly sawtooth star causing mayhem in the hourglass ranks! Scraps on Parade is listed in my Etsy shop today.  My first finish in the new year!

Scraps on Parade

Oops, I'm on my second-to-last label.  I've been using these sew-in ribbon labels from Etsy store GutenTags for years and years.  They hold up well to washing and look quite professional.  She closes her shop to new orders whenever she gets busy, so it can be hard to catch her taking new customers.  But reorders are quick and always available here.  If you're interested in labels, maybe convo her on Etsy to see if she has a wait list for new customers?

Sometimes I wonder if decades later when I'm not at this anymore, someone might stumble on one of my quilts, become curious about quilt-making and search their way to my blog to discover the (old) world of quilt-alongs and free online tutorials.  How cool would that be!

