a Tote for Laura

My weekend wasn't so much about sewing as about other things like the Great Leaf Rake of 2015.  (Yes, I realize that it's almost spring.  We usually have our massive rake in January, when all the leaves are finally down.  February is just a wee bit later than that, right?)  This year all four of us raked for hours, filling a total of FIVE full size truck loads with compacted, kid-trampled leaves.  Thank goodness we can just dump them in our forest to handily decompose.

Cinder Pup + Liam

Would you like to meet our newest arrival?  Eleni's still biding her time, but Cinder Pup joined our family last week!  She's a little lab mix with a sweet, quiet disposition.  Watching her tramp around the yard certainly lightened the leaf-raking mood.  That and our traditional after-rake milkshakes.  Yum!

a tote for Laura

In between things, I did get some sewing done. Or at least started.  I made this scrappy tote for a very special friend.

a tote for Laura

The project started with improv blocks pieced from scrap, using all shades of green and highlights of cream.

a tote for Laura

These I joined up to make two large slabs, each about 20" x 13".  In between them I pieced a 6" wide cut of heavy canvas for the bag base.

After backing with fusible fleece and a very close quilting, I boxed the corners a generous 3" to make a roomy tote.  The Essex linen lining is also backed with fusible fleece, to give this bag a sturdy body.

a tote for Laura

Last of all, I basted and sewed on these leather straps.  Seems like lately I use Roxanne's glue baste for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.  It's so strong, it really does hold the straps in place nicely while I sew them down!

a tote for Laura

That green pocket was installed onto the bag lining before assembling the bag, a la my tutorial.  Easy peasy. I  know someday I should learn drop-in zipper pockets, but this kind always does it for me, so I've been complacent.

a tote for Laura

a tote for Laura

Yesterday I had just enough time to put the finishing touches on the bag before my friend Laura arrived.  I just love gifting something homemade to someone who "gets it," you know?  I think she really liked it!  She is indeed truly loved.

Happy Birthday, Laura!