making Hearts
As of Thursday morning, I'll be 38 weeks pregnant. Every day I practice hypnobabies (self hypnosis for relaxation in childbirth), which keeps the baby's birth quite a lot on my mind. With my birth history, this baby could arrive any day or, instead, we could have two weeks longer. But, she is already at zero station (right at the cervix or "fully engaged") and things are happening down there, so...!
Honestly, I think I'm in the best place about it all, better than I've ever been. When I have a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions I get so excited, "Maybe this will be the night!" I actually love giving birth, and I think I'm better prepared than ever this time to enjoy it. But when I wake up the next morning and find myself able to laze around in bed for an extra 10 minutes and ponder all the things I could accomplish in the day - well then I feel so at peace that I'm still pregnant.
Today I made hearts. I've turned all my fabric choices into applique hearts and pinned them back up to their 7.5" square backgrounds. Now they will wait to be hand sewn postpartum. When I get the itch to play with fabric, I can MAKE from my bed or the sofa, baby and all my resting necessities close at hand.
Sounds lovely.

Honestly, I think I'm in the best place about it all, better than I've ever been. When I have a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions I get so excited, "Maybe this will be the night!" I actually love giving birth, and I think I'm better prepared than ever this time to enjoy it. But when I wake up the next morning and find myself able to laze around in bed for an extra 10 minutes and ponder all the things I could accomplish in the day - well then I feel so at peace that I'm still pregnant.

Today I made hearts. I've turned all my fabric choices into applique hearts and pinned them back up to their 7.5" square backgrounds. Now they will wait to be hand sewn postpartum. When I get the itch to play with fabric, I can MAKE from my bed or the sofa, baby and all my resting necessities close at hand.

Sounds lovely.