Catching Up

Phuuuuf, I'm so not centered right now.  My brain is a whirlwind of ideas, projects, concerns.  I had another post in mind for today, but maybe what I need more is to put some thoughts on paper, or screen, or whatever.  Wanna come along for the ride?

*Backpacking... it was nice.  Not like, "When can we do this again, pulleeeeease!?!?" kind of nice, but I will do it again.  I can see why my husband is such a fan.  It was peaceful and simple (thanks to his good planning!).  And I enjoyed the physical challenge of the 6 mile hike on Saturday.

*I did not enjoy the challenge of navigating said hike and most of my backpacking experience with one good eye.  I lost one contact on Saturday morning, so there went my depth perception and the leaves on the trees.  Not the best way to enjoy nature.  Next time, extra contacts!

*Also, I thought I might be pregnant.  My otherwise clockwork self was 10 days late.  Confirmation of "not pregnant" has followed.  Ahem.  Thanks, God, for saving that gift for later.  But next time... can I be pregnant please?  Pulllleeeease?  It was a very slim chance, given our situation, but - hey - I believe in miracles!

*Let's see, back at the ranch this is our last week of homeschooling.  Yep, I run our year August through April, so this is it.  I always feel like I should be doing something clever to end the year out.  We'll settle for strawberry picking, again, I guess.  I really need to post a bit more about our homeschooling year and plans for next.  Noted.

*New iron?  Nope.  I was actually hoping to do a little iron Olympics here on the blog, but the iron companies don't seem to be interested.  Hmmmm?  At the moment I"m leaning towards buying my same old iron rather than trying anything new and more expensive.  But, still undecided.  And, hating my interim iron more and more each day.

*If you made it through all that long, windy text you are very special indeed.  Here, let me show you something on my table...

Crumb patchwork on my table

Yesterday I made this patchwork fabric from tiny fabric crumbs.  Thought it was going to be a journal cover, but turns out it wants to be a fabric basket.  Since we're in the business of making even crumby dreams come true..  Just kidding, I think it's a great idea too.  Will do.

*And now I have a date with miss Heather to prime our furniture project. Wish us luck.. and maybe a little color?  Will catch you up on the home decor progress tomorrow!