the Voiles

After such a speedy start at home re-decorating, my nothing-to-show-for-it pace as of late is driving me a little bonkers.   Hoping to turn that around this weekend, since I get to stay home and make things.  Yay!  This pile of pretties is definitely calling me...

Voiles by Anna Maria Horner

So part of the "lag" is that I'm not being a project monogamist (thanks, C, for the helpful terminology).  Instead I have my hand in quite a few pots.

Let's see, there's those pom poms I'm spinning up on some nights for that garland.  They look seriously unimpressive, so no pictures yet, but I'm still hoping.

in process...

There's the wall of photos (or lack thereof).... it still looks the same.

in process...

The big work-in-progress is the shelf I'm re-painting.  Heather and I did manage to get the first coat of color on yesterday.  It's really, really, really bright.  I might be cursed when it comes to choosing paint colors?  Seriously, I've said it before... never let me choose the paint.  But if Brandon chooses it will be black, so....  For now, it's living in my husband's wood shop (a.k.a. the garage), awaiting more layers.  More on that later.

Notice that none of those projects involve fabric?  That may be the problem.  Still, I think I need to finish at least one of them this weekend before allowing myself to cut into the fabulousness that is Anna Maria Horner voile...

Anna Maria voiles for curtains!

This pile is a collection of her voiles from Little Folks and Innocent Crush.  They are leftovers from other projects, cuts I bought before I learned Not to Mix Voile with Quilting Cotton, and ones I just bought lately to round out the colors.  You can find some of these voiles at Pink Chalk Fabrics, Lark Cottons and The Intrepid Thread.

See how nice they look with my chairs?  That's because they're going to be patchwork curtains for the dining room.  Eeeee!  How excited am I?  Just imagine.

Field Study voiles

I also picked up these two Field Study voiles from Fabricworm to add in.  The big saffron dots might help all those small floral prints not read too "Little House" and the aqua mind's eye print... well it's the same color as my shelf.  So, that's good???

We are experiencing color uncertainty.