too many Irons
Do you know that saying for when multi-tasking goes too far? You might have “too many irons in the fire.” Isn’t it an apt saying quilters? I know that lots of us struggle with too many works-in-progress (WIP). A few is fun and keeps things fresh; but, too many and you start to feel pulled off-center.
At this moment, I’m feeling like I have too many irons in the fire. It’s nothing catastrophic and definitely I’ll push through. Still, it’s good to acknowledge that feeling and let it settle in sometimes.
What can I change?
What can I tweak?
Is there anything I’d like to let go?
I think the popularity of WIP lists illustrates a common way to address the problem. Count those irons! Keep track of them! It’s surely better to know that you have X number of irons in the fire than just too many. “Too many” has that aura of mystery that makes molehills into mountains.
I shall count my irons and bring the challenge back down to size:
no. 1. Penny Sampler Pattern Club February delivery. It’s ready to go, so I’ll be sending it out later today!
no. 2. Never Easy quilt revival. I started piecing this weekend. Luckily, this is not the most time-consuming of quilts. The process is super straightforward, so it’s a nice one to sew during a busy week. I’ve peppered this post with some process shots.
loving this Birdseed print by Bookhou for Freespirit Fabrics
no. 3. Go Anywhere Stripes prep. I’m teaching my Go Anywhere Stripes tutorial at a Dutch quilting guild meeting in March. I need to sew a sample quilt, create a handout and prepare a color-lecture too. Yikes!
no. 4. Confetti Quilt. Every time Elora comes up to my sewing attic she begs me to “sew, mama, sew.” I do love making these blocks, but it’s slow going. I’d really like quilt finish soon. Haven’t had one yet this year.
no. 5. Penny Sampler Pattern Club March blocks. Now that February’s here, I should start thinking about sewing March blocks. Time for the tea pot!
no. 6. do. Good Stitches March blocks. Glad to be back in this charity bee! Our March block in Comfort Circle is the bear paw, just like in my book.
no. 7. Quilter’s Color Quest. Speaking of my book, I’m organizing a 6-month blog series to encourage you to actually use The Quilter’s Field Guide to Color. I have a bit more organizing to do in order to be ready for the March launch.
no. 8. Longarm quilting. And then there is my longarm quilting work, which I am grateful to have. Keep those quilts coming!
So, yeah, that’s enough irons to make me feel flustered. Don’t know about you, but I do better when I have a clear sense of priority. With too many tasks on my mind, I lose focus, waste time and tread water.
Now that I’ve made a tidy list, it’ll be a little bit easier to chart a course for the rest of my week and into the weekend. I feel better already!