the Big Bed Quilt-Along

Welcome to the Big Bed Quilt-Along!
We're banding together to share tips and motivation to finish a quilt for a large bed. Posts will range from basic sewing advice to strategies for organizing your progress. No one can make this happen for us, but together we're stronger. smarter and bound to have more fun. This is the year of the big bed quilt!
Here's our schedule at a glance. Some of us are starting from scratch and others hope to quilt and bind an already-finished top. Depending upon your goals, the early quilt-along posts may not pertain. Then again, they could be helpful for your next big bed quilt.
Quilt-Along Schedule
Goal Setting
Choosing a Pattern
Choosing Colors
Planning a Size
Pace Yourself
Daily Sewing Tips
Bulk Cutting
Quilting Strategies
Progress Check + Celebration
Avoid the Stall-out
Border Tutorial
Seeing the Big Picture
Saturday Sewcation Tips
Progress Check + Celebration
Choosing Backing
Choosing Batting
Backing Tutorial
Prep for a Longarm
Finale Celebration
Quilt-Along Posts
updated as we progress!

Collective Wisdom
Let's help each other! You're invited to share your advice throughout the quilt-along. Each month I'll collect your tips and share a selection of ideas in the quilt-along posts.
Collecting tips now on our January topics. Do you have a pattern to recommend? Maybe a favorite bed quilt pattern or one that's easy and/or quick? Any suggestions on choosing colors or planning for quilt size?