String-a-ling-ing-along. That's me. All week I've caught moments in the early morning or just before dark to stitch at my string blocks. I'm doing them quilt-as-you go, which is using up almost all of my batting scraps too. Double awesome.
During most work hours this week I've been tied to a screen. I've made lots of headway though! I published the first issue of my newsletter, A Colorful Thread, and set up a tour of Stitched in Color that new subscribers receive over a series of emails. Feels like a good investment in building relationships. If you'd like, you can take the tour by signing up here:
Speaking of relationships, I'm counting down the days to those quilting retreats I'm hosting in November and March! If you are considering coming to Stitched Charleston for a long, quilty weekend, there's still time to Sign up Here through August 13th.
Maybe I'll bring a finished quilt to photograph! I'm always that strange lady carting a quilt and a chunky camera oceanside, hehe!
Of course, my string quilt will be done looooong before then. Especially as it's already quilted! Here's my collection of blocks so far
Let's see what the weekend adds to that!
Rachel Hauser