happy little Crumb Scraps

Did you enjoy your weekend?  Find some time to sew?

happy little Crumb Scraps

I had planned to finish another class project over the weekend, but let myself get distracted by friends and house plans.  Ah well!  I am very excited that we are going to commit to the small home addition, which means baby will have a room of his or her own.  It won't be ready before baby is born, but I can still make things for the room in anticipation.  I've realized that crafting a nursery is the main way I enjoy and bond with baby in advance, so I'm glad for that chance again. 

Well, today I had pledged to finish that procrastinated project, but now is it raining.  Pouring really!  And it will most of the day.  With no sunshine, my process pictures for the tutorial would be rubbish.  I think I shall swap those plans for finishing my rail fence quilt, which requires no further photographs.  That's what I get for not staying on task over the sunny weekend!

happy little Crumb Scraps

Did you know that I schedule out my goals when producing a class?  I put several items on my calendar for each week, such as sewing a class project, writing the tutorial or writing/videoing other aspects of the class.  These little goals help me relax along the way. When there is so much to do, it's easy to get overwhelmed and stressed.  A schedule means I can feel good about completing each step and free to pursue for-fun sewing too.  And

happy little Crumb Scraps

Today I've shared what little I did accomplish this weekend on my overdue project.  It's been so long since I've ticker taped like this.  Reminds me of my Bottled Rainbows quilt blocks way back when.  Crumb scraps really shine for applique like this.  I'm using trimming scraps from my rail fence quilt, actually.  Scraps of scraps!  That makes me quite happy.

Bottled Rainbow {love}

That and Bottled Rainbows nostalgia.  Smile.