Posted: No Unsewing

Every time I cut and prepare pieces of this quilt to take-along to our monthly therapy trip, I underestimate, yes underestimate, how much sewing I can get done. I mean, really, when does that happen? Turns out being away from home (no chores, no homeschooling), plus traveling with a better-than-a-nurse grandma, becomes a sort of sewing get away, even with a disabled baby in tow and her twice-daily appointments. Okay, so a sewing getaway would be lots more fun and certainly more relaxing, but I'm going to applaud myself for having a good attitude at the moment. Let's just run with it.

Today I spread out the blocks on our rental's bed to take in the lovely.

And then I formally told my mama that it's her quilt. I think we both knew it, but I was playing hard to get. She's been wanting me to make her something bright and super scrappy. This certainly qualifies!

While baby napped, I started sewing together blocks in random pairs. Mom came over, her brow furrowed and asked, "What are you doing?" I tried to contain my chuckle and replied, "Sewing the blocks together?" Seemed kind of obvious. Then, she responded with concern, "But how are you knowing what to do? You can't unsew them." And that really made me laugh! I often say you can always reverse-sew, but I failed to bring my seam ripper or even a pair of scissors on this trip, so at the moment every seam is permanent! I guess her micro managing was warranted. Ha! Making sure I'm not slacking off on her quilt.
It's one of my favorite parts of quilting - the moment when all the pieces come together into a finished quilt top. Mom's helping me press out the rows now. Looking forward to sharing the finish soon!