How I can be a Maker {and a giveaway}
Today is my last "work day" before I leave for our October therapy trip on Wednesday. (My mom and I take Eleni out of town once a month for a week long intensive therapy. Anat Baniel Method (ABM) is a type of movement therapy for children with brain issues. I blogged more about how it works here.) In September I didn't prepare well before leaving for therapy week, which added to the stress of Eleni's illness both in Chicago and when I got home. This time I am going to be more on top of things, not because I "have to" keep my blog going, but because I want to. This business is something I very much enjoy and a key part of my identity.
I thought you might like to hear how I prepare?
Two days per week, Wednesdays and Fridays, I have "work days" during which the grandparents keep the children. I thrive on quiet, alone, productive time. If you ever wonder how I "get so much done," let me be clear - I have help! Couldn't do it without these work days. Granted, I also try to sew and do computer work on other days, especially weekends, but these quiet work days truly keep the wheel turning.
On Wednesday I sat down with my calendar and planned out two weeks of post topics, covering the time remaining until I depart, the time while I am out of town and a few days after I get back. That last part is key. It's no good to try to come up with content when dealing with travel fatigue and the adjustment of returning to normal "mom" life.
Keep in mind that I can plan like this because I have specific goals. You have to know what you want to accomplish before you can accomplish it. That sounds "duh", but it's all too easy to get stuck with the nagging feeling of failure if you don't set clear, measurable goals. My goal, since Eleni was born, has been to publish three posts per week. And in order to post, I have to make. It's a good problem to have.
Today, when I thought about what I wanted to do with my work time, I felt an undercurrent of unease that I might need to do something else to prepare for my trip. Ah, yes... reality. So, I sat down and made a list of what I need to do for Stitched in Color before we leave:
Luckily, that thing I wanted to do at the moment is on my list. Whheee! But not so fast. Today is my quiet, focused day. The rest of my time I'll be juggling big and little kids and finances and packing and homeschool and social plans between trying to accomplish those things. What can I realistically do on Saturday or Sunday or school days? What do I need to do today, during these quiet hours? Time to prioritize.
Beside each task I wrote the day that I would plan to accomplish each one. Now I know what I should do today first, with what I wanted to do possibly on the horizon as a reward for pushing through.
Does this seem a little neurotic, a bit too self-contained? Well, it would be for some folks. For me, it really fits. It actually feels good to make careful decisions about how to spend my time and then to follow through. These are little windows of success and control. Woohoo for controlling something! Before Eleni my life didn't require this much planning and parceling out on a regular basis. Sure, I'd get like this if I was nearing a deadline for producing a class or such, but in general I didn't plan posts much in advance. Now I am thankful that I do have these skills, because they are absolutely vital to my emotional health.
I want to continue to be a Maker. And, let's face it, we all have to Make Time to Make. I hope this peek into my planning process will inspire you to take one little step towards carving out time to Make in your day-to-day.
{Giveaway} from Fat Quarter Shop
Did you notice that both fabrics in Eleni's 7 month update were from Art Gallery's collection called "Maker"? Such a great name! The Maker line keeps catching my eye month after month. It was inevitable that Eleni would end up squirming around on it eventually. And I'm so glad I succumbed! That scissor print was so perfect with her prism glasses, hehe.
Fat Quarter Shop is giving away the 10-piece fat quarter set To Sunset Maker to one lucky reader. International entries welcome! For your chance to win, tell us one way you can carve out more time, space or opportunity to be a Maker in your day-to-day. Comment now through Monday around noon, Eastern time.
Good luck!
******************* Comments Closed*****************************
Our winner is comment #185, Sue Kaiser. Enjoy your bundle, Sue! I appreciated reading through these comments. So much we have in common!
I thought you might like to hear how I prepare?

Two days per week, Wednesdays and Fridays, I have "work days" during which the grandparents keep the children. I thrive on quiet, alone, productive time. If you ever wonder how I "get so much done," let me be clear - I have help! Couldn't do it without these work days. Granted, I also try to sew and do computer work on other days, especially weekends, but these quiet work days truly keep the wheel turning.
On Wednesday I sat down with my calendar and planned out two weeks of post topics, covering the time remaining until I depart, the time while I am out of town and a few days after I get back. That last part is key. It's no good to try to come up with content when dealing with travel fatigue and the adjustment of returning to normal "mom" life.
Keep in mind that I can plan like this because I have specific goals. You have to know what you want to accomplish before you can accomplish it. That sounds "duh", but it's all too easy to get stuck with the nagging feeling of failure if you don't set clear, measurable goals. My goal, since Eleni was born, has been to publish three posts per week. And in order to post, I have to make. It's a good problem to have.
Today, when I thought about what I wanted to do with my work time, I felt an undercurrent of unease that I might need to do something else to prepare for my trip. Ah, yes... reality. So, I sat down and made a list of what I need to do for Stitched in Color before we leave:
- Write mosaic contest post
- Back + quilt Zephyr
- Photo Eleni's costume
- Cut Pickle fabrics
- Write costume post
Luckily, that thing I wanted to do at the moment is on my list. Whheee! But not so fast. Today is my quiet, focused day. The rest of my time I'll be juggling big and little kids and finances and packing and homeschool and social plans between trying to accomplish those things. What can I realistically do on Saturday or Sunday or school days? What do I need to do today, during these quiet hours? Time to prioritize.
Beside each task I wrote the day that I would plan to accomplish each one. Now I know what I should do today first, with what I wanted to do possibly on the horizon as a reward for pushing through.
Does this seem a little neurotic, a bit too self-contained? Well, it would be for some folks. For me, it really fits. It actually feels good to make careful decisions about how to spend my time and then to follow through. These are little windows of success and control. Woohoo for controlling something! Before Eleni my life didn't require this much planning and parceling out on a regular basis. Sure, I'd get like this if I was nearing a deadline for producing a class or such, but in general I didn't plan posts much in advance. Now I am thankful that I do have these skills, because they are absolutely vital to my emotional health.
I want to continue to be a Maker. And, let's face it, we all have to Make Time to Make. I hope this peek into my planning process will inspire you to take one little step towards carving out time to Make in your day-to-day.
{Giveaway} from Fat Quarter Shop
Did you notice that both fabrics in Eleni's 7 month update were from Art Gallery's collection called "Maker"? Such a great name! The Maker line keeps catching my eye month after month. It was inevitable that Eleni would end up squirming around on it eventually. And I'm so glad I succumbed! That scissor print was so perfect with her prism glasses, hehe.
Fat Quarter Shop is giving away the 10-piece fat quarter set To Sunset Maker to one lucky reader. International entries welcome! For your chance to win, tell us one way you can carve out more time, space or opportunity to be a Maker in your day-to-day. Comment now through Monday around noon, Eastern time.
Good luck!
******************* Comments Closed*****************************
Our winner is comment #185, Sue Kaiser. Enjoy your bundle, Sue! I appreciated reading through these comments. So much we have in common!