Brown Is: a mosaic contest
Slow down a minute, my friend, and ponder with me in color.

coffee, girl, bench, puppy, mantle
Brown is the most under appreciated color. It's unassuming, every day, so perfectly ordinary it nearly fades away. But, wait, that's what makes brown so special! It's easy! Reassuring. Sure as an oaken beam, loyal as puppy, the comfort of a warm cup at the start of your day.

horses, Barcelona, mushrooms, woman
I fear some find brown boring or blah. They've missed its romantic undertones. How nature moves in grand sable shades or how light sweeps over tawny stone streets, transforming what's dirty and old into something that shines. Almost like gold. And brown holds a myriad of subtle, delicate shades. Though broken or small, brown shows lovely.

Maybe brown does this through the magic of soft. Is there a shade of brown that doesn't feel so? Chocolate? Earth? Fawn? All soft. Ivory? Taupe? Amber? Those too. There's nothing so pettable as smooth, creamy brown. Like the silken underside of an modest mushroom or the coat of a newly born calf.

Brown is my favorite foil. I reach for it more than white, before gray. It contrasts with a friendly warmth, bringing life to all my other colors. Mixing well with all that is growing, all that is hopeful and natural and good.

from via Pinterest
Brown is the background to our everyday lives. It invites - come, bring your colors, and be at home.
this Mosaic Contest is now closed.