Pink Is: a mosaic contest

Pink Is

Pink is Hot

room, doornob, dishes, swatch

Pink is hot.  Purple-y, pinky goodness - - - it's trendy.   Notice me.  Love me.  Smile and wink!  Spiced with black or gold it's quite nice.

Pink is Romance

Audrey, chair, peonies

Pink is romance, of course.  Flowers and ballrooms, valentines and all that.  Like girlhood, pink is so tender, so fleeting.  Breathtaking beauty at once captured and lost.

Pink is Blushing

jaipur, butterfly, woodwork, dancer

Pink is blushing, cold.  All feathery softness.  So demure.  Pink is the untouchable, unattainable.  Were you once a ballet dancer?

Pink is Glamorous

kitchen, crochet, weaving, camera

Pink is glamorous, wow!  Say everything in PINK.  You are gushingly happy, feminine, polished and proud.  Say no more.

Pink is a Dream

home, dress, flowering tree, ballerina girl

Pink is a dream, an exquisite sweet dream we never do forget.  I dream in pink today, tonight, this year.  Crossing fingers and toes we get pink!

this Mosaic Contest is now closed.