
7:00 Wake up and mentally run through my Elsa & Peter story I'll be telling at morning school.

7:30  I'm ready for the day, but the kids are still in Aria's room together.  Strange.  They always beat me to breakfast.  Ear to door - Is that Aria telling Liam a story?  La tee da, off to tidy my sewing room.

8:00 Hmm... they're still at it and soooo quiet and happy.  Maybe I'll take a few shots of Scrappy Star pouch in the morning light.  And do dishes.  And  (insert stolen-moments-mommy-glee). 

8:30 Knock, knock.  Kids cuddled together on bed, book in hand.  "Mom, I'm reading to Liam."  Mommy melts.  Recovers.  "Oh, well, you're going to have to get to a stopping place.  It's a school day."  Secretly thinking, reading totally counts as school!  Aria begs, "Just a few more pages, and I'll be done with book 1".  Book 1?

8:40  Breakfast, morning school, United Kingdom project.  Yes, she literally read Liam an entire chapter book this morning.  And she has plans to read the rest of the My Father's Dragon trilogy today - aloud - but also to work on the fort they've been building and possibly our Christmas garland.  A little ambitious?  Don't know where that comes from.

Noon-ish  School took us right up into lunch time, what with our late start.  Then rest time, the golden hour after lunch which is my chance to pen the daily post.

1:30  The kids snag some chocolate chip cookies and head out to labor in the fields.  They're cutting tall dry grass for a fort floor and chopping down errant baby pine trees, "Or the pine trees will take over!"  Pine trees become fort walls.  I happily stitch away, windows open, marveling at my luck.

2:30  Still sewing, wide-eyed.

3:00  Kids come in for water break and find their way to the couch. Aria starts reading again.  Still sewing.

4:00 Wait, is this my day off?  I go to sit with the kids a bit, listening to Aria's reading. She's gotten better since I last made her read aloud for school in August.  I left off it because she didn't like the pressure of reading aloud.  She loved to read, quietly.  Why ruin a good thing?  Now she's reading aloud fast and fluently.  Liam's a lucky little boy.

4:45 She's done!  242 pages (somewhat big text, Aria notes).  I'm so proud. Liam feels so loved!  And, look what I made

Valentina Pouch

 Solids improv patchwork pouch

improv in solids

inspired by this Valentina print from Lark CottonsMarika's tempted to make Valentina pillow cases.  My work is done.

looking plump

Scrappy flying geese pouch

Scrappy Geese Pouch

permanent home for 20+ triangle-shaped scraps (I had to cut a few from non-triangle scraps. shhhhhhhh.)  

with Chicopee

Set against Essex putty with Chicopee trim and lining.

Every day is a gift.  But, some more than others.  Now, yesterday was not perfect. There was still some minor sibling squabbles and the baffling case of the lost grass clippers, which twice required my supermom finding skills.  But, it was a pretty rosy day all around.

Today is my real day off.  I think I'm ready to tackle quilting my do. Good Stitches star quilt.  Yes, I'm fresh and rested.  Here we go!