How did this happen?

I was supposed to be working on a new quilt this week, but instead found myself piecing up a few more Churn Dash blocks and then working in sashing to complete the quilt top.

The sashing is Chicopee Dotted Leaf in Lime. It's such a subtle citron print that it reads rather solid. I quite like it for sashing, especially with the vertical movement of the leaves.

Did you notice I didn't have enough? In my head cold muddled, half-awake stupor last night, I calculated a myriad of options for cutting and sashing and substituting. This is what happened come daylight. It's ok, right?
Nope, not feeling much better today. Even so, Tuesday and Wednesday are my work-at-home days, so productivity was warranted. That's life. And I did still manage to enjoy it.

Though that couch has been calling me...

At least I have a pretty, sunny quilt top to show for my efforts. It's not every day that happens. Now what about backing? I thought I'd won some fabric yesterday but that didn't shake out. Maybe the fabric fairy will send me some Chicopee corduroy for the backing just to help a poor, disappointed, cold-fogged girl out. You think?
Um... let's see. You might want to know that this quilt design is from Denyse Schmidt's latest book. More about that when I finish the quilt. I used 8 Chicopee prints for the blocks, Kona Bone for my neutral, the Dotted Leaf for the sashing and 4 non-Chicopee prints for the blocks to bring to life a dark blues/high value contrast color scheme.

Chicopee by Denyse Schmidt for Freespirit
is a very versatile fabric collection that I'm adoring. I'm not nearly done with these fabrics, but next time I want to use all the colors. That's right, no holding back. And now, surely, it's time to make a new quilt?