an ordinary day
And ordinary day is such a gift - waking up with energy again, grateful to be pain-free, feeling buoyed by our family's rhythms and by my own creative outlets. Here are some pieces of our day...

Enjoying a poem together from Eric Carle's Animals Animals
. "Mother doesn't want a dog. Mother says they smell..." Quite true in my case! Wondering if I should take the little twist at the end as a warning?
Baking cookies together (and eating them warm!).

Making butterflies for the Faith circle of do. Good Stitches, from this tutorial. Look how Chicopee Black Ladder Dot makes ideal little butterfly bodies!

Feeling like a rainbow. That's what happens when we have a good morning together.

Being surprised by this book, Side by Side: 20 Collaborative Projects for Crafting with Your Kids
. It's a small collection of projects, but just the right ones. A book I might actually buy.

Getting inspired - all three of us - to jump right into new projects. Liam has chosen this self-portrait craft from Side by Side for our playgroup craft tomorrow. Off to buy some bird seed!
Thanks for all your well wishes. I'm feeling so much better! I hope this perfectly ordinary day is followed by a deliciously ordinary weekend for all of us. It's almost here!

Enjoying a poem together from Eric Carle's Animals Animals
Baking cookies together (and eating them warm!).

Making butterflies for the Faith circle of do. Good Stitches, from this tutorial. Look how Chicopee Black Ladder Dot makes ideal little butterfly bodies!

Feeling like a rainbow. That's what happens when we have a good morning together.

Being surprised by this book, Side by Side: 20 Collaborative Projects for Crafting with Your Kids

Getting inspired - all three of us - to jump right into new projects. Liam has chosen this self-portrait craft from Side by Side for our playgroup craft tomorrow. Off to buy some bird seed!
Thanks for all your well wishes. I'm feeling so much better! I hope this perfectly ordinary day is followed by a deliciously ordinary weekend for all of us. It's almost here!