this weekend I

1. Made a new Retro Flowers block, this time for the Ara Jane. She's called for bright, warm flower blocks for our February Love circle quilt (with do. Good Stitches). This block is made in a Honey Child print by Jennifer Paganelli. I want to make a 2nd block for her, but I'm stuck on fabric choice...

2. Prewashed some goodies from Pink Castle Fabrics. I finally bought some Outfoxed by Lizzy House (a good selection of Outfoxed is also in stock at Fresh Modern Fabric, Whipstitch, and Sew Modern). Love this collection! And also restocked those Sweetwater text prints that I've been binding quilts with as of late.

3. Celebrated Liam's 5th birthday with a little this and a little of that that added up to lots of fun. He came out after bedtime last night to remind me that we forgot to let him choose a birthday movie to watch. This sad fact was weighing heavy on his mind. He'll get to choose his special movie yet. Never fear!

4. Oh, this is a big one... FINISHED my Loulouthi Tiles quilt! It's entirely hand-quilted and entirely large and entirely bright and beautiful. I do love it. Pictures to come...

5. During the binding I managed to sew completely over and past one pin. Yeah, I thought there was something strange going on at that part The needle even pierced the purple plastic ball a bit and sewed the pin down fast. I had to rip seams to get this girl out. I really should change my needle now, eh?
6. Let's see... what else. Hmm... read a good bit of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (book club) and enjoyed quite a few birthday (and non-birthday) treats. Yes, quite a nice weekend.
Wishing us all an entirely lovely, entirely sweet and entirely creative week!