Just chatting...

Last night was our first chat at Curves Camp.  I was a leetle bit nervous. I wasn't sure if we'd all stare blankly at our keyboards not knowing what to say, but nope - we managed to blather on quite brightly about everything from new fabric lines to dairy cows.   Oh, yes, and we talked about curves too.

I kinda had a chat like that months ago with my friend Deborah of Whipstitch, a gorgeous modern Atlanta-based fabric store.  Deborah is so cool.  I want to be like her someday =).  She interviewed me for one of her online classes. And it was an actual phone interview.  Yes, with voices and everything!!!

Deborah asked me to share what got me started with quilting and some of my thoughts on the modern quilting movement.  The interview is really geared towards new quilters with questions about tools, choosing fabrics and advice for getting started.  We both had a lot of fun with it! Wanna hear?