this weekend I...
I can hardly believe myself that on Saturday I had the pleasure of designing, cutting and piecing an entire quilt top! I do believe that's a first. Grandma took the children, so all was quiet and the creative juices were flowing fast.

But, my Christmas-y-Meet-the-Gang quilt top is not really done. I'm going to work some curves magic on it and then it'll come into it's real name. It's a nice throw size measuring 65" x 77" now. I'm really excited about my curvy idea, but will definitely try it on a small scale before I throw it at this quilt. If all goes well and dandy, this will be one of the three full-size quilt patterns included in my curves class next year! And, don't worry, I'll show you the finished work before then, no matter what.
Last week I did a fair bit of plotting and experimenting for my curves class. I came up with this really fun to make, improv-pieced motif that I made up in really ugly fabric. Which, to be honest, made it hard to like even though it was pretty cool (I think). I won't show it to you. That would be wrong on so many levels, including the fact that I called the fabric ugly. But, I'm looking forward to making up a new version is fresh lovely colors for the class. This is turning into such a fun project for me! Thanks for giving me an encouraging push to move forward. It really, really helped.
So, other than working with curves like a threaded mad scientist, I've also turned out a bunch of bee blocks for do. Good Stitches. I'll show you this pair of asterisk blocks for the Love circle.

I had no idea that the asterisk block is so user-friendly. Really, this would be a great first quilt block if you like this kind of look. You can make it straight (like I did) or wonky and it's so, so easy to make different sizes of blocks. Here's a nice tutorial for a 6.5" version.
Lee of Freshly Pieced, who is the designer for our November quilt, asked us to make blocks with any number, size or layout of asterisks we like. I'd never made this block before, so I did the simple asterisk above and then made a tiny one sashed in stripes for fun.

And they are nice.... But, this morning I saw blocks made by bee member Trio Stitch Studio.

Aren't they amazing? The one on the right is downright genius. I love the way she layered asterisk in asterisk, but even more the way she used negative space. Well done, Deb! I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the bee interprets this block.
Ok, one last thing (and how did this post get so long?). Sometimes after hours at the machine, I do enjoy my distance. Yes, it's true! On Sunday we had to stay home from church because Aria had a fever the night before. So... I cleaned the whole house, Brandon made banana cream pie and I processed the last batch of apples (finally!). Nope, I didn't uncover my sewing machine all day. But, I did enjoy some time with needle and thread joining my Star Blossoms.

I began this English paper-pieced endeavor on the plane to The Sewing Summit early October. Since then I've puttered away at it here and there, determined not to mind how long it takes.
Since basting is quick, but joining is not, I'm committed to joining as I go. Here's what I have so far...

It's nice to be at the point of adding the aqua diamonds (which are the "Sketch" print by Timeless Treasures, available here and here). I'm just making a small table runner, so I don't actually have too much longer to go. But still, I might be done by New Years?

With English paper piecing, you wrap fabric around a paper template, baste it in place through the paper and then hand-sew the basted shapes together, taking care not to catch the paper in the piecing. When you're done, you cut the basting threads and remove the papers. It's really not difficult, just slow... and satisifying! I was inspired by Teaginny. I do recommend the papers she's using, but personally did not like the glue pen. If you're interested, learn more about paper piecing here.

And, no, I haven't forgotten about you, Loulouthi Tiles. When paper piecing is too small of a work and embroidery is not on my mind, I do pull out my Loulouthi Tiles quilt and work a spot of hand quilting. I think I'm about halfway through hand piecing this very large quilt. The inbetweens aren't quite blog-worthy, but rest assured that a finish will come. Probably this spring when the colors speak more to my soul! It is relaxing to always have those simple running stitches to return to anytime.
Alright, all caught up then! Welcome new week and sunny Monday morning. Wishing you a lovely day!

But, my Christmas-y-Meet-the-Gang quilt top is not really done. I'm going to work some curves magic on it and then it'll come into it's real name. It's a nice throw size measuring 65" x 77" now. I'm really excited about my curvy idea, but will definitely try it on a small scale before I throw it at this quilt. If all goes well and dandy, this will be one of the three full-size quilt patterns included in my curves class next year! And, don't worry, I'll show you the finished work before then, no matter what.
Last week I did a fair bit of plotting and experimenting for my curves class. I came up with this really fun to make, improv-pieced motif that I made up in really ugly fabric. Which, to be honest, made it hard to like even though it was pretty cool (I think). I won't show it to you. That would be wrong on so many levels, including the fact that I called the fabric ugly. But, I'm looking forward to making up a new version is fresh lovely colors for the class. This is turning into such a fun project for me! Thanks for giving me an encouraging push to move forward. It really, really helped.
So, other than working with curves like a threaded mad scientist, I've also turned out a bunch of bee blocks for do. Good Stitches. I'll show you this pair of asterisk blocks for the Love circle.

I had no idea that the asterisk block is so user-friendly. Really, this would be a great first quilt block if you like this kind of look. You can make it straight (like I did) or wonky and it's so, so easy to make different sizes of blocks. Here's a nice tutorial for a 6.5" version.
Lee of Freshly Pieced, who is the designer for our November quilt, asked us to make blocks with any number, size or layout of asterisks we like. I'd never made this block before, so I did the simple asterisk above and then made a tiny one sashed in stripes for fun.

And they are nice.... But, this morning I saw blocks made by bee member Trio Stitch Studio.

Aren't they amazing? The one on the right is downright genius. I love the way she layered asterisk in asterisk, but even more the way she used negative space. Well done, Deb! I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the bee interprets this block.
Ok, one last thing (and how did this post get so long?). Sometimes after hours at the machine, I do enjoy my distance. Yes, it's true! On Sunday we had to stay home from church because Aria had a fever the night before. So... I cleaned the whole house, Brandon made banana cream pie and I processed the last batch of apples (finally!). Nope, I didn't uncover my sewing machine all day. But, I did enjoy some time with needle and thread joining my Star Blossoms.

I began this English paper-pieced endeavor on the plane to The Sewing Summit early October. Since then I've puttered away at it here and there, determined not to mind how long it takes.
Since basting is quick, but joining is not, I'm committed to joining as I go. Here's what I have so far...

It's nice to be at the point of adding the aqua diamonds (which are the "Sketch" print by Timeless Treasures, available here and here). I'm just making a small table runner, so I don't actually have too much longer to go. But still, I might be done by New Years?

With English paper piecing, you wrap fabric around a paper template, baste it in place through the paper and then hand-sew the basted shapes together, taking care not to catch the paper in the piecing. When you're done, you cut the basting threads and remove the papers. It's really not difficult, just slow... and satisifying! I was inspired by Teaginny. I do recommend the papers she's using, but personally did not like the glue pen. If you're interested, learn more about paper piecing here.

And, no, I haven't forgotten about you, Loulouthi Tiles. When paper piecing is too small of a work and embroidery is not on my mind, I do pull out my Loulouthi Tiles quilt and work a spot of hand quilting. I think I'm about halfway through hand piecing this very large quilt. The inbetweens aren't quite blog-worthy, but rest assured that a finish will come. Probably this spring when the colors speak more to my soul! It is relaxing to always have those simple running stitches to return to anytime.
Alright, all caught up then! Welcome new week and sunny Monday morning. Wishing you a lovely day!