Full Disclosure

I have good news and bad news.  Where to start....

too much in process!!!

First off, here is my humble sewing corner at this very moment.  Looking at this rather uninviting snapshot, I can see 4 projects currently in process.  And, that's not cool.  I like to have two - one biggish, one little.  Ideally, something with handwork and something at the machine.  4 is sending me spinning in circles. What should I work on today?

This is bad news for me, but it doesn't necessarily translate into bad news for you, except that the biggest, most interesting project (which is grabbing a lion's share of my time) is top secret. As in, I can't blog about it at all.  Whaaaaaat?  I know.  It's like I'm cheating on you! But, please, please, believe me - my heart is in the right place!

And here's the good news - it's because Stitch Magazine chose one of my designs for the fall 2011 issue (available July).  I am so very excited!  And, well, maybe just a tad worried since it's a twin sized quilt that I should finish by the end of the month and I still haven't received all of my supplies...

I just found out this happy news last Saturday.  Since then I've felt rather out of the moment when I sit down with you.  What to say when you can't say what you really want to say?  So, full disclosure - I'm hiding something from you.  And, in between these too many things I am making progress on my Sixth Time's the Charm crib quilt. 

piecing progress on Sixth Time's the Charm

Here are my triangles all nicely pieced.  At this point I wondered if I should trim the quilt at all or leave it as a hexagon.  Cause that would be cool, right?  Don't say "yes", because I didn't leave it a hexagon.  I trimmed it into a rectangle which was much. too. small.  Because, I totally made a mistake when I calculated the triangle template.  So that's embarrassing.  But, I can fix it with a snazzy border.  It'll make the quilt more brown/green anyways, which I'm telling myself is a good thing.  Tomorrow I'll show you the finished quilt top. Pinky promise.

Eeegads - I'm sewing with a fabric that I haven't even introduced to you (the border)!  It's that out of control, friends.  Proper introductions will be forthcoming.