Flirting the Issue Sew-Along {link party}
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image by Anna Maria Horner |
Today's Link Party will be open through Tuesday, May 20th. That gives you the weekend to finish yours, plus a few days load a photo here. I can't wait to see what you made! Two participants picked at random from the Link Party will receive gift certificates donated by Fat Quarter Shop and Pink Chalk Fabrics!
::Materials:: May 2nd
::Cutting:: May 12th
::First Steps:: May 13th
::Elastic/Hemming:: May 14th
::Link Party:: Now!
I finished my second skirt, the voile, yesterday. I feel so lucky to have two new skirts for summer!

Sorry I don't have photos wearing them. Yesterday it rained all day long, which blocked my window of opportunity. But, you can still get the gist here. Since I'm short-waisted, I wear these skirts low on the waist and they hit an inch or so above the knee. They're super comfortable!

I'm so glad I decided to go ahead and make one in quilting cotton. I 100% recommend quilting cotton for the Flirting the Issue skirt. It's different than the voile, but not in a bad way at all. As you can see by the way they're hanging here, the voile (at left) hangs mostly straight down. When worn, it tends to fall close to the legs as you move and feels like you're wearing a wisp of a cloud. The quilting cotton (at right) flares out more, creating more of an A-line shape. It also feels light. Lots of air-flow up those legs, haha!

Don't you love how this Leah Duncan Meadow fabric looks as a skirt? Now I need the perfect peach top to wear with it, or I could always resort to a white one.

I knew I'd love to wear this Anna Maria Horner Mind's Eye fabric. It's such a gorgeous shade of aqua.

I did manage to line the voile skirt with this coral voile. It was hard to resist making the coral into yet another skirt! I lined the quilting cotton skirt with muslin. I really think muslin works fine as a lining. Personally, I won't spring for a silky synthetic or voile lining unless I'm also making a voile outer. Even then, I don't find it makes much of a difference, but maybe I'm just not picky about these things.
Ok, so I've shown you mine. Let's see yours!
::To Enter::
Each finished skirt qualifies as one entry. You don't have to have a blog to play. You can upload your image right from your computer! For a tutorial on how to enter the Link Party, see here. This party is open worldwide. Load your image by midnight, eastern time on Tuesday, May 20th. $50 Fat Quarter Shop gift certificate and $25 Pink Chalk Fabrics gift certificate winners will be announced on Wednesday!