Half Dressed
Remember when I set out to make a fabric garland with my go! baby cutter and these plentiful scraps?

Weeeell.... I've got good news and bad news.
The good news is that I think the garland turned out pretty. I cut many, many, many circles and set pairs back to back with wrong sides together. Then, I chain pieced them in long strings right down the center of the circles with little bits of just-thread for spacing.

See, they rotate this way and that in our (totally real) Christmas tree. We like!

The bad news is two-fold. One, if you let your thread garland tangle, really bad things can happen. Try untwisting tangled thread! Wait, you probably have tried before. So, yeah, you know how that goes.

Two, I um... I'm stopping there. We even have a Christmas party tonight, but I am DONE with cutting little scrappy circles. I am so done, in fact, that last night I woke in the middle of the night thinking very clear ideas for a new scrap-quilt-along, kind of like Bottled Rainbows, but with a totally new design and approach. You see, cutting little circles was not all that fulfilling. Apparently I yearn to actually sew my scraps together. Go figure.
Christmas is a season not all that friendly to works-in-progress. It seems we buy gifts for our entire family or stay home. Make Christmas goodies for all our neighbors or just eat them ourselves. Decorate with a tree and lights and the whole shebang or bah-humbug the festivities with reserve. Well, this time I'm going to live it up at half dressed. My tree shows promise, y'all. Next year, I'll finish the garland.