Scrap Attack {Granny Square Block}
It's a happy day indeed! Do you know the occasion? Jolene of Blue Elephant Stitches has a lovely new tutorial for you! When I was gathering ideas for our Scrap Attack, Jolene posted her first Granny Square blocks. I mean, hello? Scrappy potential?
Affirmative! Look at the way she's used same colors, but different fabrics to create rounds that echo the Granny Square crochet pattern. Simple and genius! I zipped an email over asking her to join in with our event and she very kindly obliged. Eee!
So, if you don't often visit Blue Elephant Stitches, you'll want to hang around her blog for a good look. She has a light, bright feel for color, often using lots of white in her signature look. I actually became a fan of her baby quilts through browsing Etsy before I knew her blog. And now she's also a host for the Joy circle of our charity quilting bee, do. Good Stitches, so we've had a chance to get to know each other. All around a great gal, that Jolene.
Oh, but you want to see more of the quilt, don't you!

Here's a snippet to tempt you. I won't hold you up any longer. Run along to Blue Elephant stitches for the Granny Square block tutorial and all the info you need to make the lovely lap quilt. This quilt is definitely on my personal wish-to-make list, but I think I'll do the background color in something other than white. In a full-on COLOR perhaps! Hm....
If you're new to this Scrap Attack thing, catch all the details, the button and links to all of our posts Right Here. I'm off to catch up on the Scrap Attack Flickr group now. Maybe I'll see you there!
Affirmative! Look at the way she's used same colors, but different fabrics to create rounds that echo the Granny Square crochet pattern. Simple and genius! I zipped an email over asking her to join in with our event and she very kindly obliged. Eee!
So, if you don't often visit Blue Elephant Stitches, you'll want to hang around her blog for a good look. She has a light, bright feel for color, often using lots of white in her signature look. I actually became a fan of her baby quilts through browsing Etsy before I knew her blog. And now she's also a host for the Joy circle of our charity quilting bee, do. Good Stitches, so we've had a chance to get to know each other. All around a great gal, that Jolene.
Oh, but you want to see more of the quilt, don't you!

Here's a snippet to tempt you. I won't hold you up any longer. Run along to Blue Elephant stitches for the Granny Square block tutorial and all the info you need to make the lovely lap quilt. This quilt is definitely on my personal wish-to-make list, but I think I'll do the background color in something other than white. In a full-on COLOR perhaps! Hm....
If you're new to this Scrap Attack thing, catch all the details, the button and links to all of our posts Right Here. I'm off to catch up on the Scrap Attack Flickr group now. Maybe I'll see you there!