Fabric Murder

I hadn't planned on posting a post like this today, but I just have to get this off my chest.  Last night I committed fabric murder.  It was awful.  And it all started so innocently

by Ungt blod

After the children were tucked into bed, I decided to "treat" myself to starting that triangle quilt for the Scrap Attack Quilt-Along.  So off I went cutting scraps into sharp little triangle shapes.  Only, I didn't like them.  In confusion (denial?) I continued cutting more scraps reasoning that scrappy quilts look better the more fabrics are added. So, I cut a little of this and a little of that still hating it.

fabric murder

That's when I started to panic.  What if I didn't enjoy making this quilt?  What if I couldn't make it look good?  What if the whole project was destined to be a disaster and I'd be better off doing something, ANYTHING else with my scraps!!!!?

So I put a plump stack of sharp, pointy triangles in. the. Trash.

 in desperation

I tried to forge ahead, cutting fabrics I might like better, arranging them by color like so in hopes that I might muster some love for the triangle quilt yet.  But the murdered fabric weighed heavily on my conscience.  The arrangement by color was a desperate attempt, even I could see that, as it nullified all those nice sharp points that had attracted me to the quilt design to begin with.

This morning, in the clear light of day, I rescued the triangles from their sad fate in the (very clean) trash can.  I just can't waste perfectly good, nicely cut fabric like that.  In another context, these were fabrics I would most definitely have used.  No, I couldn't do it.  As the day went on, I did discover my triangle quilt groove and added more triangles to the reject stack in recognition that I really want a more intentional scrappy theme.  I think I have it now, and I promise I won't send anymore scraps to a triangle-shaped doom.

misfit scraps

If anyone could find it in their heart to give these scraps a home, I will mail them to you post haste.  These are dark days for misfit scraps round these parts, and I'd hate to see them come to a sad end.

with remorse,  Rachel

edited to add:  The scraps have been rescued and will soon be off to a new home!