I HEART the Ovis Hill Farm Festival
Yesterday we made memories at the Ovis Hill Farm Festival. The festivities are held on a real, old-fashioned sheep farm in Timmonsville, SC. Skilled artisians, story tellers, muscians, local farmers, bakers, painters and more converge in a little-known and much loved fall festival.

Each year is a little different. This time around the kids got to play tug-o-war..

Ok, so did I.

We enjoyed our usual favorites like the hayride, boarder collie sheep-hearding demonstration, and petting zoo. I wanted to take one of these sweet calves home, but we don't have things ready for that - yet. Our first farm animal just may be a pig this November. But, you never know these things until they happen, so don't get your hope up (Rachel).

Besides the fun and games, there was a storyteller who shared an old American version of a traditional Baba Yaga fairytale. My kids were mezmerized, of course. Storytelling is their favorite part of our homeschool. There's something magical about hearing a tale spun straight from the lips of a real live person.

I was a little sad that we missed out on the square-dancing this year, but on the upside Aria and Liam had their first snowcones ever. I cautioned Liam not to eat the paper cup.
What was my favorite part of the festival? The color of course! Take a look at the children getting crafty. These are pumpkins and a few of the gourds made by visitors throughout the day.

And here are some wooly treasures hand-spun and plant-dyed. This rainbow takes my breath away. I don't own any real, lovely yarn - but someday, someday!
And,yes, they do spinning demonstrations too!

This is the one family outing that the kids and I look forward to most every fall. Maybe next year, if you live near South Carolina, you could join us at Ovis Hill Farm!

Each year is a little different. This time around the kids got to play tug-o-war..

Ok, so did I.

We enjoyed our usual favorites like the hayride, boarder collie sheep-hearding demonstration, and petting zoo. I wanted to take one of these sweet calves home, but we don't have things ready for that - yet. Our first farm animal just may be a pig this November. But, you never know these things until they happen, so don't get your hope up (Rachel).

Besides the fun and games, there was a storyteller who shared an old American version of a traditional Baba Yaga fairytale. My kids were mezmerized, of course. Storytelling is their favorite part of our homeschool. There's something magical about hearing a tale spun straight from the lips of a real live person.

I was a little sad that we missed out on the square-dancing this year, but on the upside Aria and Liam had their first snowcones ever. I cautioned Liam not to eat the paper cup.
What was my favorite part of the festival? The color of course! Take a look at the children getting crafty. These are pumpkins and a few of the gourds made by visitors throughout the day.

And here are some wooly treasures hand-spun and plant-dyed. This rainbow takes my breath away. I don't own any real, lovely yarn - but someday, someday!
And,yes, they do spinning demonstrations too!

This is the one family outing that the kids and I look forward to most every fall. Maybe next year, if you live near South Carolina, you could join us at Ovis Hill Farm!