Make Modern - donating 30% this month to charity!

Make Modern is a beautiful magazine written by quilters for quilters and delivered digitally to creatives across the world. Right now, subscribers old and new join Make Modern in raising funds for Ukraine via the Red Cross and for Australian flood victims!

15% of sales of the new issue will be donated to Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Fund and an additional 15% of sales during the months March- April will be donated to Givit QLD/NSW Flood Appeal.

Today is a new issue day! I’ve just enjoyed browsing Issue 45 with my morning cup of tea. Come take a peak inside with me.

On the surface, quilting is a basic hobby. You cut fabric, sew it back together … simple enough. People see fabric and thread, but only quilters see what’s sewn between the seams … creativity, emotions, love, challenges, reflection of circumstance, remnants of DNA. It’s all tucked in there, threaded into every block. Every time we make a new quilt, we’re not only filling a tangible need for one … we’re filling our own emotional and creative needs too. If it seems like quilting is the solution to all life’s problems, maybe it is. Because somehow, no matter what’s going on, whatever the question is, the answer is, ‘Make a quilt’. New baby coming? Make a quilt. Friend needs comfort? Make a quilt. Milestone reached? Special birthday? Need to wind down after a hard day or express tough emotions? Want to remember a loved one? Pandemic blues? Want to connect with new friends or try something new? Make a quilt. Make a quilt. Make a quilt.
— issue 45, Make Modern magazine

Since Make Modern is digital, it’s affordable and accessible. You can enjoy it on your computer, tablet or phone, knowing that the money you spent is going to the actual creatives behind the articles and patchwork patterns, instead of to printing and shipping costs. Win-win!

From Make Modern:

What's in store for you in Issue 45? 

We MEET inspirational businesswoman, quilter and podcaster Elizabeth Chappell of Quilter's Candy ; Aussie quilter Bec Brennan of Sew.Be who shares the emotional stories behind her scrappy quilts; and the mother and daughter team from Eye Candy Quilts who have been sewing together for as long as they can remember. 

Also in this issue is a fabulous collection of ten modern quilt patterns and projects to fill your creative cup - we MAKE including that show-stopping rainbow cover quilt, a fun camping quilt and a quilt make from hundreds of 2.5-inch scraps!

Our columnists discuss sewing curves, how to approach designing a new quilt, machine maintenance

And we MOTIVATE you to try ruler work in your quilting with an introduction by Kellie from Silly Moon Quilting and lots of inspiration in our gallery. Jane and I took one of Kellie's ruler work quilting classes last month and it was a lot of fun

Here are some of my favorite projects from the new issue:


Make Modern was created over six years ago by four Australian quilters. It’s published 6 times a year. You can purchase individual issues, a subscription or an All-Access pass, which gives you access to everything they’ve ever published.

Here are a few covers that caught my eye, just to give you a feel of other issues:

Each issue is 100+ pages jam-packed with modern quilt patterns designed by talented quilters from all over the globe, articles to inspire and teach you something new, and interviews with your favorite quilt designers. Issues are delivered as PDF files, to be read on your favorite device, with patterns printed as you wish. Nothing to store, lots to enjoy!

There are lots of Make Modern quilts (plus small projects) that I could see myself making. It’s fun to be exposed to quilt designs and aesthetics that I otherwise wouldn’t come across.

Patterns are suitable for beginner quilters to advanced. Articles about modern quilting aim to make you smile, inspire you to quilt outside your comfort zone, and start making modern quilts today.

Make Modern is sold in Australian dollars, which means it’s even cheaper than you might at first think (if you’re not Australian). A single issue is just AU$12 (approx. US$9, CA$11, €8 or £7). You can checkout with any credit card. Of course, if you choose to subscribe, the rate gets even better!

Keep in mind that prices are shown in Australian dollars in the shopping cart. To find out the up-to-date conversion to your currency, just ask Google. For example, type “12 AUD to USD”.

Above is the current issue, #43.

Let’s talk a little bit more about the All Access Subscription. For a flat fee (approximately US$73, CA$93, €66 or £56) the Make Modern All Access Subscription gives you instant access to all 43 issues of Make Modern, including 300+ full quilt patterns, plus an annual subscription with 6 new issues delivered to your device each year all from the one, simple link. That's a saving of over AU$275.

Do you already have a Make Modern subscription, but not the All Access one? You can choose to upgrade now by purchasing the All Access Subscription. Then email Make Modern to request a refund for the remaining balance of your old subscription. They’re happy to oblige.

Any Make Modern purchase made via links from Stitched in Color helps keep this blog up and running.

Thank you for your support and happy making!

~ Get the Current Issue #43 (about $9 USD)

~ Subscribe for 6 months (about $20 USD)

~ Subscribe for 1 year (about $37 USD)

~ Get the All Access Subscription (all back issues + 1 year subscription) for about $73