Snowflakes + Mittens for the Penny Sampler
Brrr, it’s cold outside! The last of the autumn leaves have almost fallen in The Netherlands, and winter is well on its way. We have our fingers and toes crossed that we’ll get snow this year! These last few Penny Sampler blocks are like sewing a wish.
Snowflake is my favorite. I didn’t need this one for my Penny Sampler, as I’ve already maxed out the number of 12” blocks for my quilt. Still, I couldn’t resist sewing one to test out the new paper piecing pattern I’ve created as part of the 2020 pattern club.
Unlike the traditionally pieced snowflake from Penny Sampler’s past, this one is a wee bit smaller so that there is extra background fabric surrounding it’s finished points. Now the snowflakes will be floating nicely, in case you sew a quilt full of flakes. Their points won't touch!
Fair Isle layout for Penny Sampler Pattern Club
This also comes in handy in Fair Isle, the alternative quilt layout included in the November issue of the pattern club. I’m hoping to sew a version of Fair Isle next year, with my charity bee circle. If you’re wishing you joined us, it’s not too late. You can still purchase access to the complete Penny Sampler Pattern Club. After the year is finished, the club will be retired.
And here is Mitten, a 6” cutie and the very last block for my own sampler quilt!
I’m SUPER excited to be sewing the blocks together at last! I’m putting the finishing touches on the assembly instructions, which are coming to your club mailbox early this December.
And then I hope to see YOUR finished quilt top. Hurray!
Wishing all you Americans a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow! Hopefully you’ll enjoy the day with a few dear loved ones and remember all we have to be grateful for, even as we look back on what has been a difficult year. My family is hosting one other family on Saturday for our new tradition - Friendsgiving! We’ll be cooking traditional Thanksgiving food (minus the turkey - can’t find those here!) and sharing our gratitude for the people in our lives.
Thank you for being in my life, dear reader. Many blessings to you, wherever you live!
Rachel Hauser