Splash: a mosaic contest

Slow down a minute, my friend, and ponder with me in color.

Let’s take a stroll down a sandy shore. Sunlight is sparkling as each wave crests and sighs. Take a deep breath and dive in to this refreshing aquamarine world.


White, bright light. Sun. Sand.

While away the hours in the stunning simplicity of the sea shore. All day long the brilliant whites, tan and aquas blend at the edges, until sunset’s drama heightens every angle and kisses our faces with an amber glow.

We bring our young, boisterous selves to dig and frolic along the endless waves. Ice cream cones. Kites. Sand castles and bikes. The ocean’s simple pleasures shrink our focus to a singular moment, a singular sensation, and yet somehow enlarge our sense of connection to the great wide world.

Look closely and you’ll pick out flashes of contrast in those washed-out waves. Set coral beside turquoise, if you like. Splash bright white waves against copper toes.

Or let the sun wash over it all, casting a vintage aura over your day in the sand. Be my guest! Allow these peaceful hues to melt your cares away.

This mosaic contest is now closed.